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Friday, January 28, 2011

Can't you just be happy for me?

Our family has some exciting things that are happening soon for us. Religiously this is the best thing and we are all very excited. When I shared this at an activity the other day, I had a very blunt person say to me..."Well are you sure that you are ready? Are you sure that your husband is ready?" ( You have to know this person, always got an opinion.) I said that yes he was and she just kept at it. Finally I thought "Can't you just be happy or me!? Why is it that we can't just be happy for each other. I understand that we all have ideas of how others could lead their lives know it's true...but when someone is happy about is none of your business to question that. Let them be happy. Yes, I have my worries, but I do not need you to vocalize them. And this I am sure has happened to you as well. I have a friend that when she got pregnant and was happy she had, that her own family gave her the "Ooo really?" face. Just be happy for them!! None of your business...unless they are homeless, on drugs and havea two headed kid...just be happy! So I write this because I just wish this person would be happy. Not bring up every insecurity I already feel or bring those doubts back in my mind. I know, I shouldn't worry about others for my happiness, and I am not. I just want her to be happy and let it go. Go home and voice your concern there. Do not voice it to me. So, I am happy ...we are happy. And I hope that I can be happy for you.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Now that I am a mother, I would love if our children had patience.Patience for each other, for others around them and especially for me and their dad. So , last night, one of our kids has homework that I will not even pretend that I know how to do.So I sent them to a child that I know knows how to help. Well, after about 5 mins, screaming was heard through the house and tears were being shed. So, what do I do?...I yelled, yelled at the both of them. "You need to help each PATIENT!!!" yeah, that really helps. (By the way I'm also a yeller...) Why? Why do I have to be so impatient? I hear of other mothers that sit with their kids and guide them and love them and help the through their homework... and I wonder, why can't I be that mother? The mother with the right answers and the milk and cookies ready, and that sits down and patiently helps them with the school work. No I am the yeller that refers them to others kids in the house to help. ( I mean isn't that why I had them all is for them to raise each other). Anyway, I really hate homework, and believe me it is so different from when I was in school. They have so many more steps and higher problems and have to explain every. thing. It's very frustrating. So if you are patient and would like to help my kids with their homework, the job is yours. If you needa yeller and impatient mom, then, give me a call.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Does getting older mean that you get more anxious? Our life this last little while has brought some anxiety. Not a lot, but there are times that I feel like it is a little more then I can bear. My mind is the problem. There are too many thoughts going through my head. Family- are they ok? I being there for them...Louie's hip, is he going to be ok?...did he recover well?... Bills...are they ever going to go down?... I try and remind myself when I start to feel anxious that we a really blessed. That things have been working out and that they are going to continue to work. We still have our home, we have health, we have each other. So why do I start letting those thoughts into head? I guess I just want some clear cut plan. I want to be able to see the future really? (Wouldn't that be great!) So now as I type this I wonder if any of you have this and how you handle it. I feel that I am trying to handle it good. I don't lay in bed and cry all day. (But I also think that that might be nice to do.) So how do you handle anxiety?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Hello, my name is Andrea and I am a repeater(Hello Andrea...). What is a repeater you may ask?... Well, let me start by saying I come from a family of repeaters. We very often have to say the same thing, out loud...over and over again, sometimes to different people but most likely to the same people. Not just once, but quite often. We begin by just feeling that we are sharing info that you might be interested in, that we feel you SHOULD be interested in. And then when we talk to you again and the subject that we have shared with you pops up again, we then AGAIN share the info that we have already shared again, because ..hey!.. we might not have told you ALL the info the first time, or so often, we forget that we have shared it already with you and feel that you need to hear it.( we also share things about our life, that does not even affect you, but we just have to get it out there, somewhere where it is heard.) And so the cycle of the repeater is. My dear hubby, he has started to catch on to this pattern and so when I start to repeat myself, he will point it out that yes, I have already given this info out(more then twice). But this usually makes me think two things:1-did I give him ALL the info and 2- when did we talk about this subject before?. Is this a sign that I am going crazy, no..been there... I honestly think that I just think that sometimes things are worth repeating, rehashing and just talking about more then just a passing time. Of course the repeater should know that you might get the occasional eye roll, also, others with out this condition,who know you have this condition, might do the "turn the other direction" so that they don't have to hear the same story over and over again, and then there is the courteous head bob that says,"yes, you HAVE shared this before, but I am too nice to stop you." So if you share in this condition, you are not alone. You are among friends. You are not crazy. Maybe you just need to get some more stories...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year

I have some friends that this year have decided not to set new year's Resolutions, because they feel that this word just sets you up for failure from the moment it leaves your mouth. I agree. See every year we say "I resolve to do this.." and then what resolve that you have no resolve. Another friend said that she is setting new year goals.I guess I can live with that. My only problem is then you have to set a completion date, and I am not sure I want to do that. I guess it could be an ongoing goal, something that I continue to do until I am dead... So what is the goal for this year?....AWWW! That is another tricky thing. When you tell someone that "goal" or share that you are trying accomplish said "goal", then that is when the temptations come. You could say I am trying to lose weight, BAM! You get a life time subscription to Baskins Robbins for free ice cream! (Could happen) say I am going to read more, BAM! go blind....(again could happen.) The point is, goals, resolution they are doomed from the start. They are something that: a- we should never start....or b- we should NEVER say and put it out there in the universe. Just keep to ourselves and then when say you do lose weight or your do read more, then you know you did it without the odds stacked against you. So, what is my new year goal/resoultion?..keep guessing!