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Monday, April 25, 2011


So lots of things have been on my mind lately and in no particular order...
Louie is in pain and will need surgery soon.
I do not understand where all the money goes.
I think that I am tired all the time
The house is messy
My kids can make me laugh cry and scream all at the same time.
I am grateful for my ward.
Sometimes I feel left out.
I hate that people can't say "Excuse me" and instead just sit and stare at me when I am working..I will move ya know!
I do love watching Harry Potter 7 part 1
I am counting down to Harry Potter 7 part 2
I would love to tell all celebs that having money does not mean to act like idiots for free.
I do not want to go to jury duty.
I wish I knew where to get Pokemon cards for Luke
I wish that I could be closer to my family...not emotionally, physically
I am truly grateful that Easter was yesterday.
I want an Ipod
I really am a random person...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hopes for when I'm old...

1. I hope to be patient with everyone
2. I hope not to glare at a woman with children
3. I hope not to correct said children when their mother is trying her best.
4.I hope that I don't expect children to be adults
5. I hope that I don't cut in line at the grocery store, when I know that someone was definitely there before me
6. I hope I don't drive a golf cart 10 miles an hour in a 25 mile an hour road...
7. I hope I don't complain...a lot...
8.I hope that I wear jeans with out an elastic waistband
9.I hope to be the old lady that people can't believe that she is the age she is
10. I hope that I will never know if I get gray hair
11. I hope that I don't start a sentence with" Back in my day..."
12. I hope I don't start a sentence with " I remember when bread was $1.50 a loaf"
13. I hope I don't think all music is garbage that I don't listen to.
14.I hope to be a grandma with sweet grandchildren that I love and spoil
15. I hope that Louie and I can celebrate at least 60+ years of marriage.