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Monday, April 25, 2011


So lots of things have been on my mind lately and in no particular order...
Louie is in pain and will need surgery soon.
I do not understand where all the money goes.
I think that I am tired all the time
The house is messy
My kids can make me laugh cry and scream all at the same time.
I am grateful for my ward.
Sometimes I feel left out.
I hate that people can't say "Excuse me" and instead just sit and stare at me when I am working..I will move ya know!
I do love watching Harry Potter 7 part 1
I am counting down to Harry Potter 7 part 2
I would love to tell all celebs that having money does not mean to act like idiots for free.
I do not want to go to jury duty.
I wish I knew where to get Pokemon cards for Luke
I wish that I could be closer to my family...not emotionally, physically
I am truly grateful that Easter was yesterday.
I want an Ipod
I really am a random person...

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so I have lots of random thoughts on your random post. 1. I'm sorry to hear that Louis is still in pain and needs more surgery. :-( 2. I'm grateful for our ward too! I hope I never move out of the ward boundaries. Oops! I guess I already did about four years ago. :-) 3. I feel left out sometimes too, but I'm surprised to learn that you feel that way since you always seem so involved with everything and everyone. Kinda makes me wonder if all women feel that way at times. 4. My boys used to be obsessed with Pokemon cards. I'd love to give them all to you and get them out of my house, but my boys would probably kill me if I did, so instead I'll suggest Wal-mart. 5. I'm very happy to have you as a friend!!!
